Well..look at my blog! It has a new look and i'm loving it! So as usual this is the time for new year resolution..so here we go..
Let start with what i have accomplished in 2010..may i just stress that one of my most proud of achievement includes cutting my hair..now now not just trimming..i have chopped off i think 2/3 of its original length..Thinking back..i didnt quite know what got into me..i was sporting a damn long hair for a while..it took some crazy and ''brain not working'' moment for me to pull it off on myself!
And what?! Oh I PASSED ALL SUBJECTS EXCLAMATION MARK(even got A for some =P)
Besides some random sometimes meaningless stuff that i have done..i guess one of the most profound change that happened to me is that i have opened up my eyes and mind to the entrepreneurial, finance, business world..i no longer think that i am just meant to be a chemist or any other random job..instead i can and indeed should go after my wildest dream!! i am capable of being the female Mark Zuckerberg, i am capable of owning something worth billions of dollars, i am capable of changing the world or be a market changer and etc.. Suddenly it dawned on me that i can do anything and be anything that i want and only if i want it badly and the world is so much more that what you can perceive from your text books or even from your parents (cough cough sometimes rather shallow and timid opinions)p/s: dad if u ever read this! I love ya lots!..And this revelation changes everything!
So what new year resolution should i be setting? None! nobody ever fulfill all of their resolutions(me included)! So i'm not gonna be bothered this time..
But i do know now who i want to be this year.
Its probably gonna take more than 2011 to achieve it but if the world doesn't end in 2012 i'll have a big fat chance of being the best Ying Ling could be!
So besides Ying Ling feel free to call me the
Aspiring Future Warren Buffett
Aspiring Future Mark Zuckerberg
Aspiring Future Category Creator
Aspiring Future Changer
Aspiring Future Entrepreneur of the year
Aspiring Future Bestseller Author
Desperately Aspiring Future Billionaire!
I wont be too ~dreamy now~ i know its gonna take more screw ups then all the total screw ups in the past 22 years..but heck i'm going to press on till my last breath! So my dear friends! Lets stay healthy together!
Cos our BEST DAYS are definitely ahead us!
Happy new year! We're so owning 2011!