My mum and I were chased or more like stalked by a stray dog name Kopi.Yes,according to my mum most stray dogs are named Kopi.We were both terrified by this unwanted stalker,fearing that it would give us a bite.There is no one else around so all we could do was walk as fast as we can to the car.When we were about to reach the car,i turned around and saw that Kopi was right behind me.Well i am actually quite into having a pet dog,but then again who wouldnt be afraid of a stalking stray dog.But the point is,as scared as we were,we were actually more sympathetic of Kopi.My mum said he must be very hungry.So we decided to feed him with something we have.My mum gave him a nyonya kuih we bought from the pasar malam,although we should have gone with the fishball.But anyway,we managed to escape into the car.
And it got me thinking,all these pitiful stray animals they must have came from somewhere but probably are forgotten by somebody.Haih..what happens when they are caught and forced to be put to sleep.I cried watching it this afternoon.All these cruelty and suffering we selfish human beings have inflicted upon these innocent creatures.How they look at you when they know their lives are coming to an end.Sad really.I better not get too emotional.So people,if you have a pet go get them neutered.If you are intending of getting one,try the animal shelter homes.Yup!!All these in the spirit of making a difference and lessening the number of Kopi on the street.
Well i guess you havent see how my dog lives....
He's life is way better than mine
or yours....
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